Plan Your Trip
Use our Trip Planner and online resources to plan your trip on MCT. Find the best bus route for you, view timetables and the system map, figure out the fare you’ll pay and more.
- MCT Trip Planner
- View bus timetables
- Learn about MCT Fares and Passes
If you need more help navigating MCT, staff is available to help plan trip itineraries and coach new passengers on how to ride. Call 618-797-4600 or email info@mct.org.
To request a reasonable accommodation please learn more here.
Arrive at Bus Stop Early
After you have planned your trip and figured out which bus you will take, you’re ready to catch the bus. Be sure to arrive at your bus stop at least 5 minutes early to watch for the bus. When you see the bus approaching, give the driver a wave to ensure they see you.
Have Your Fare Ready
Have your fare ready before you board. You can use exact change in cash fare, a valid pass, or an MCT ID.
Be Sure You Are Boarding the Correct Bus
When boarding, always double check that you are on the correct bus by reading the head sign on the front of the bus or asking the driver.
Board and Pay Your Fare
If using cash, have exact change ready as drivers cannot make change. Place in the fare box. The driver will then print you off a paper pass to scan. Hold the pass straight under the scanner until it beeps and proceed to find your seat. If using a mobile pass, pull the pass up on your smartphone and hold it under the scanner. If using a paper monthly pass, show the driver your pass. If using a Free Ride or Half-Fare ID, tap your ID on the card reader.
Enjoy Your Ride
Find a seat, sit back, and enjoy your ride on MCT. Pay attention to which stops you are passing and when you need to get off.
Signal When You Want To Get Off
When you’re within a block of the bus stop at which you wish to get off, pull the plastic bell cord along the top of the windows to signal to the driver that you are arriving at your stop.
Gather Your Personal Items and Depart
Congratulations! You just took a trip on MCT. We hope you enjoyed getting to your destination.
Notes About Riding
- All MCT buses are wheelchair accessible.
- Never cross in front of a bus unless it is stopped at a red light and you have a crossing signal.
- Sometimes weather or mechanical issues delay buses. If your bus is ever behind or you have questions about when a certain bus will arrive, call our dispatch office at: 618-797-INFO (4636).
Before traveling on MCT please review these rules for riding.