MCT offers a variety of passes to individuals who meet certain criteria. View the ID descriptions below to determine for which MCT ID you qualify.
If you currently have an MCT ID that is about to expire, make sure you still meet the eligibility qualifications before applying for renewal. Expiring IDs can be renewed up to 3 months before the expiration date
Valid for half-fare rides on any MCT fixed-route bus, SCCTD and Metro in St. Clair County and Missouri. Valid for 5 years from date of issue.
Who qualifies?
- Seniors age 65 and up who show a valid ID
- Disabled individuals with a valid Medicare card or State of Illinois issued Disabled ID, who show a valid photo ID.
Valid for free rides on any MCT fixed-route bus. Valid for half-fare rides on SCCTD and Metro in St. Clair County and Missouri. Valid for 18 months from date of issue.
Who qualifies?
Seniors age 65 and up who live in the State of Illinois and are currently enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging Benefit Access program, who show a valid photo ID and proof of Benefit Access enrollment.
Valid for free rides on any MCT fixed-route bus. Not valid on SCCTD or Metro. Valid for 18 months from date of issue.
Who qualifies?
Illinois residents who are currently enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging Benefit Access program, who show a valid photo ID and proof of Benefit Access enrollment.
Valid for free rides on any MCT fixed-route bus. Valid for half-fare rides on SCCTD and Metro in St. Clair County and Missouri. Valid for 5 years from date of issue.
Who qualifies?
Residents of Madison County, IL age 75 and up who show a valid photo ID.
Valid for free rides on any MCT fixed-route bus and SCCTD, and Metro bus or train in St. Clair County. Valid for half-fare rides on Metro in Missouri.
Who qualifies?
Registered ACT Paratransit, ADA-eligible users whose enrollment is verified with ACT Paratransit Office.
*Individuals seeking an MCT ADA Paratransit Free Ride ID can request one by contacting the ACT Paratransit Office.
How to Apply
View and complete the Free Ride/Half-Fare ID Application to apply for an ID or renew an ID.
Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing and production of IDs.
Lost or Stolen IDs
If your Free Ride or Half-Fare ID is stolen, damaged or lost, complete the Replacement ID Request form and return it via mail with the proper payment. There is a $10 fee for first time replacements, and $20 fee for each subsequent replacement.