Madison County Transit (MCT) will be implementing its Winter Service Change on Sunday, December 3, 2023. As a result of the ongoing driver shortage, MCT is forced to reduce service on select routes to avoid daily service interruptions. There will be reductions on three routes (listed below) and the discontinuation of two underutilized express routes. Due to the pressing nature of the driver shortage, the MCT Board approved an accelerated implementation of the service adjustments on December 3, instead of the typical January service change.
Please read below for a summary of the changes. Draft PDFs of the schedules can be found on the Schedules page.
Service Adjustments Effective Sunday, December 3
#7 Alton – Edwardsville
- Reduce frequency from 30 to 60-minute service. Only serve Alton Square Mall on weekends. Remove SIUE trips.
#8 Central Shuttle
- Improve service to St. Anthony’s Hospital by pulling into the lot. Provide service between Challenge Unlimited and Twin Rivers Estates on Pierce Lane (formally provided by the #10).
#9 Washington Shuttle
- Minor adjustments to times and routing.
#10 State & Elm Shuttle
- Reduce frequency from 30 to 60-minute service. Reduce morning service span and end service at 9:00 p.m. Remove trips between Challenge Unlimited and Twin Rivers Estates on Pierce Lane (now available on the #8 Central Shuttle).
#18 Collinsville Regional
- Preserve 30-minute service from 5:28 a.m. to 9:51 a.m. Reduce remaining service to every 60 minutes.
#19 Edwardsville-Collinsville
- Minor time adjustments.
#24X Riverbend-Gateway Commerce Center Express
- Discontinue route due to lack of demand.
#25X Collinsville-Gateway Commerce Center Express
- Discontinue route due to lack of demand.